During the years that children grow and start to understand how the world economy operates, the amount of knowledge that they have about money is very limited. Schools have a lot of information that they need to pass along to children during their years in school and have only minimal amount of time to teach about money and finances. Parents try to pass on information about finances and how to appreciate money, but also parents do not have very much time to educate our youth. Unfortunately, the education of the youth in regards to money and finances goes to the youth themselves in learning through experience.
Money has been used in some form, either physical paper currency or coins or transactions occurring through the use of trades, for many centuries. In addition, the types of currency has undergone a number of changes in the history of the United States. The types and look of currency and coin have had many different looks. Learning about the history of currency and coins in the United States, is close to learning about the history of the country, itself.
Money is something that people need to learn about at a young age. The earlier people understand the importance of money, the earlier that they will learn how to save money, spend money wisely and budgeting concepts that will carry with them for the rest of their lives. To help kids and parents understand the importance of money and currency, we have created this page which contains a number of helpful links and information about currency and money. We hope you enjoy and share this information.
History of Money
- PBS History of Money – Useful information from PBS which outlines the originals and history of money.
- A Brief History of Money – Information which outlines the history of money through time.
- Money Timeline – Page which gives key moments in the world history of money in chronological order.
- Fun Facts About Money – A history and informative facts pertaining to money around the world.
Currency in the United States
- Money in the United States – Educational page which has a brief quiz about United States money.
- U.S. Currency – Government site which provides a historic look at currency in the United States.
- United States Money – Informative site which covers a number of topics about money in the U.S.
- U.S. Money – Article which outlines the brief history of American money dating back to the days of fur traders.
- History of U.S. Currency – Page geared toward kids showing pictures of U.S. Currency.
Money Games and Activities
- Money Games for Kids – Helpful site which has games for kids teaching them money concepts.
- Games About Money – Informative page for students grade K-5 which teaches them games about money.
- Counting Games – Information and games about counting aimed at kids.
- Math Games and Activities – A number of resources to help kids with math concepts are listed in this resource.
- Money Themes – Web page which helps understand various concepts of money.
- Money Math for Kids – Useful page which is broken down by age giving a number of different topics.
- Money Activities for Kids – Article which provides a number of fun activities for kids where they can learn about money.
Saving Money
- How to Save Money for Kids – Helpful article which can help parents teach kids how to save money.
- Choose to Save – Informative page which lists several suggestions and tips on how kids can save money.
- Money Saving Tips – Information for kids on how they can save for something big that they wish to purchase.
- Teaching Kids About Money – Useful page which helps teach children about saving money.
- Ways to Save and Make Money – Information which parents can use to find common sense ways to save and make money.
- Money Saving Tips for Kids – Helpful page which provides a few tips and suggestions on how kids can save money.
Information for Parents and Teachers
- Money Talk for Parents – Excellent resource for parents on how they can talk to their kids about money.
- Fun Ways to Teach About Money – US News article which informs parents about several fun ways to teach children about money.
- Teach Kids About Money – Tips on money and teaching about it for parents.
- Lesson Plans – Informative resource providing a number of lesson plans about money for a variety of age groups.
- Money Lesson Plans for Kids – Resourceful page for teachers with a number of lesson plans that are usable to teach children about money.
- Financial Education – Lesson plans for teachers looking to educate students about financial matters.